First Beach Day 2018

First, let me tell you a story. I have been trying to grow Emi’s hair out for 2 years now. We were almost to the point where we would have enough for a nice bun for ballet.

But…..she came downstairs…on our way to ballet…with tape all over her head. I started to take the tape out, and was also pulling out chunks of hair. Yep…it was awful. Her and Mia decided it would be a good idea to cut her hair really short, and then they taped it back in so I wouldn’t notice. Honestly, they did a good job. You couldn’t tell until you started to pull it all out. Awesome…and we had to cancel our aquarium trip for the next day as a consequence. No fun at all.

New hairstyle. She asked if we watered it if it would grow back….nope…doesn’t work like that.

So, Memorial Day Weekend! We had our first beach day of the summer, and it was Kai’s first day at the beach ever. We found a nice shady spot and took out the sand toys for the girls to play with.

Enjoying the sea air.

On their way to fill up buckets. The water was FREEZING by the way.

Ten in the white shorts searching for seaweed so the girls could use it as lettuce.

While everyone was busy making sand food. I was giving Kai lots of attention. He is such a vocal baby.

Ice cream and cupcake making going on here.

People were enjoying flying kites on the beach. I actually didn’t know this was allowed. May be fun to try one day.

These two get very serious about their sand food creations.

…and of course…people enjoying their time on boats as well.

So, there  is our first beach day of the summer. I honestly think that we are going to have to save the beach for when Ten goes with us. Three versus me (with one who can’t move themselves) isn’t the easiest. When the rain eventually stops, we will make a longer day of it.

In other news, the girls are enjoying summer camp this week. I may be spending my entire day watching Reese Witherspoon movies and throwing a smidge (a tiny smidge of cleaning). Hopefully, I can get another 2 posts finished this week and will be all caught up! I can do it this time. 🙂

End of the year sing-a-long and beach time

We have made it to summer vacation! Mia had her last day of school today, and I am so happy to have a break from all of the driving!

Anyway, today (Thursday), we went to Mia’s school for an end of the year sing-a-long and watermelon party. It was very low-key and could not be more family friendly. We dropped Mia off at her classroom and then made our way to the outdoor theater. It is amazing to me that her school has a rustic outdoor theater! Our kids really have no idea how lucky they are.

Here is a picture of the stage where the kids would sit to lead us in the sing-a-long.


 We had to keep Emi busy before the singing started, so selfie time. Ha! Emi has the funniest smile right now, so we took about a hundred pictures of her posing.  

Cheese Emi!

Soon the processional began. Hi Koala bears. Mia is in the middle 🙂 

The singing began and was led by the school music teacher. They sang so many cute songs including one about wooly underwear which the kids giggled through.

 After the singing finished, the program instructed the parents to shout “encour!” So funny. The kids were so happy that we were demanding more. And surprisingly (wink, wink), they had one more song ready for us. Seriosuly, could not ask for a better preschool  experience.

Singing It’s a Small World for the encour.


After the performance, we walked back to the class playground and enjoyed watermelon. I volunteered to bring everything for the party. The tins holding the watermelon were red, white, and blue. I also chose red napkins and checkered plates. Looked so cute.

Emi enjoyed her watermelon in the toy car. She loves these cars so much.


Everyone LOVED the watermelon on sticks. I’m not going to lie though, it was a lot of work the night before. However, it was totally worth it and even the other class was eating our watermelon which was awesome because nothing went to waste.

Mia told Ten to hop in the backseat. She was driving them to the beach.

After our school event, we headed to the beach for a BBQ. We figured it wouldn’t be as busy on a weekday while most schools were still in, and we basically had the place to ourself. 

Mia climbing a tree.


Emi drinking her “soda.” It was really Snapple, but pretty excited to drink the same thing as mom and dad.


Ten grilling brats and hotdogs with the ocean in the background.

The girls were so hungry after a long morning of play. Eating chips, hot dogs, grapes, and pickles. For dessert they each had a chocolate chip cookie.  Ten and I had brats.
After eating lunch, playing with the stomp rocket, and chasing birds; we decided to head over to the ocean.

Emi showing her muscles.


Cooling off!


We then packed up, headed home, took a 2 hour nap, took Mia to her swim lesson, argued about Kumon finished (an issue right now), and had another BBQ for dinner. Such a nice day.