Summer is Almost Here!

I’ve decided that I really don’t like summer bucket lists. They are just far too stressful for someone like me. It gives me a serious case of “fear of missing out.” Also…I can never cross anything off of the list unless it is completed perfectly. Like perfectly perfectly. I don’t want to just have a playground day. It needs to be the most perfect playground day. I need to have the perfect weather and the most perfect packed lunch. It puts a lot of pressure on playground day….so, this summer…I am saying goodbye to bucket lists. I’m just trying to have days that are restful, fun, productive. Just worthwhile days.

So…on that note…we had our first almost summer day. One of our classes has finished for the school year, and so some of our day was freed up a bit. Summer fun day one: lunch at a friend’s house.

Friend has an elderly dog named Mia, and Mia would not let Kai out of her sight. She barely let me near him.

Our friends had such a nice surprise for us when we arrived at their house. They ordered pizza for us, and then about 20 minutes after we arrived, our favorite music teacher showed up to conduct a private lesson while we got to go chill on the couch. This was the best surprise…food and rest…I can ask for literally nothing more than this. By the way, when my kids get to do things like get a private music lesson…just for fun…I can’t help but think….what a completely different childhood they are getting from what I experienced. I always try to tell people I grew up poor…like cheese sandwich and food pantry poor…but they never get it.

More random things we did last week. Took very cute pictures of this boy. He has the curliest black hair recently.

He is beautiful.

Taking advantage of another short day we had, we decided to go feed the ducks at our park….except there are no more ducks…..where did the ducks go??

But we did see lots of turtles.

We decided to pack up our bird seed and cut our losses. Mia asked if we could go to the new playground in Binney Park, so off we went.

Jumping on toadstools.

Playing on the caterpillar. 

Thoughts on new playground….not that great. Just not that much going on. The girls played for about half an hour before we decided to head home and get some ice-cream. It was so incredibly humid out.

So, we got to have lunch with friends, a music lesson, and explored a new playground. Hits and misses, but it all counts as part of our summer fun.